They Increase The Level Of Motivation Of Students

I do not know about you, but me, when I succeed something, it gives me a boost of energy and I have the taste to start again to reach again. Conversely, if I do not realize, after one time, I will try with another technique, but after several failures, I get discouraged, and I give up.

It’s a little bit like what happens with young people who have a learning disability. Failure to succeed in their learning can be very demotivating. It becomes a vicious circle: the less successful they are, the less they want to put effort into getting there. And it’s even more difficult when you have to put more and more energy, and they do not bear fruit…

The setting up of a technological aid can, in several cases, give the young people this lost motivation. It allows them to reduce the amount of effort they have to put to focus on the essentials and get the job done. Through successes, but also to reduce the level of effort required for the same result, young people are encouraged, which motivates them to continue their learning and sometimes even to push beyond what is expected of them.

They Promote A Better Autonomy In Learning

Using technology help in school work frees up energy for other cognitive resources. For example, if a young person who has reading difficulties must put all his power into decoding and identifying the words, he will have very little left to understand what he is reading. If he is allowed to use voice feedback software, he will be able to focus his cognitive energy on understanding the text that is being read. Thus, the result obtained during an assessment will be more representative of the student’s actual text comprehension skills.