The Advantages Of Technological Aids

Although there is panoply, technological aids are often associated with computers and computer software *. It is also often these aids in which parents are most reluctant for their children lest they become “lazy.”

Assistive technologies help to increase learning autonomy, improve the accuracy and speed of classroom work, and provide positive learning and success for students. This increases motivation for learning.

On the other hand, although very useful, these technologies also have limits and cannot compensate for all the difficulties of the student. Techniques cannot pay for inefficient teaching, eliminate a learning disability, or ignite a strong passion for school in the student.

So I thought it would be relevant to unravel for you the advantages and limitations of technological aids.

The advantages of technological aids

When a student has difficulties in school, and they persist despite his many efforts and adaptations already in place, his motivation and his esteem for him are affected. It is then that we think of setting up technological aids to support the young person in his learning.

A technological aid is a tool (computer, software, calculator, etc.) that helps the young person to perform a task or develop skills, something he could not have done without this type of help. Several studies have demonstrated the positive impacts of their use in a variety of contexts.

They Promote A Better Sense Of Self-Efficacy

I do not think that anybody here finds it comfortable and above all satisfying to make significant efforts and not to have good results or the expected results, each time. This is what many children with learning disabilities experience. Despite all the work and the time they put in, they are having trouble at school, which is very discouraging.

Technological aids allow young people to feel more efficient because they have results that match their efforts. By compensating for their difficulties with the tool, students can finally use their real skills. Thus, they often have better results, which maintain some pride.